Riparian engineering has a strong understanding of the geomorphic, floristic, and physical process affecting rivers and wetlands and how to engineer and restore them. We can develop cost effective solutions to arrest bank erosion that save our clients money and enhance the biodiversity of the riverine environment.
Riparian Engineering specialises in:
- Bank erosion restoration
- Floodplain restoration
- Natural channel design and restoration
- Pool riffle restoration and reconstruction
- Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
- Removal of barriers to fish passage
- Environmental flow to rivers
- Environmental flows to wetlands
- Bank reconstruction
- Bank toe reconstruction
- Re-introduction of hardwood large woody debris (LWD)
- Wetland regeneration and restoration
- Restoration of aquatic habitat
- Riparian vegetation restoration & regeneration
- Hydraulic assessments of channel velocity for engineering design parameters
- Geotechnical assessment of bank stability
- Engineering design & detailed drawings
- On-site project management and construction

Large hardwood woody debris (LWD) with root wads attached were placed along the bank toe and wedged by large boulders. Riparian sedges, shrubs and trees were planted along the bank and the adjacent gravel bar.
An artificial rock riffle (rock riffle weir) was constructed in the creek bed to stabilise the creek bed grade, pool riffle locations and recreate riffle habitat.
The same site as above before restoration works were implemented.
Concept design showing the location of structures used to restore the creek bed and bank.
Typical bank toe protection and restoration concept design.
Typical artificial rock riffle concept design used to control stream bed grade and recreate riffle habitat.
Constructed artificial rock riffle.
Constructed artificial rock riffle.
Bank toe reconstruction, LWD reintroduction, and flow vortex generators.
The engineered floodway (box cuverts) with environmental flow and fish passage.
Detailed designs for a high flow by pass as part of a sand gravel quarry restoration project.
LWD Placement
Engineered gabion walls
These walls require solid rock foundations. This wall will fail once the cobble in the foreground rolls into the wire and snaps the steel wire leading to complete failure of the structure, but we can design them so they don’t fail.