Currumbin Creek Rock Pool Restoration (2014)
Gold Coast City Council
Designed and constructed bank toe restoration works, which included riparian vegetation, rock toe protection, and pool re-establishment. Assessments included: engineering design, hydrographic and hydraulic assessment, sediment transport; riparian vegetation restoration and rock works and threatened species assessment.
Gold Coast Estuarine Wetland Mapping Project (2012 -2014 [SWEMP 2]
Gold Coast City Council
We used Council’s tidal, storm surge and flood hydraulic models and our watercourse and flood risk modelling too to map the location of intertidal wetlands, estuary channels, estuary wetlands, salt marshes, floodplain wetlands. We al so were able to assess the potential impacts of sea level rise on these ecosystems. This assessment can also be used to determine risk of flooding, tidal and storm surge inundation in adjacent urban areas.
Coombabah Estuary Foreshore Erosion Assessment, Tidal Modelling and Boardwalk Design (2012)
We undertook a geomorphic, hydraulic, tidal exchange, acid sulphate soil, geotechnical stability, and ecological assessment of a major estuary catchment on the Gold Coast. Prepared an estuary management and restoration plan, prepared a new design for a hardwood boardwalk.
Coomera River Estuary Processes Study & Foreshore Management Plan (2010 – 2011)
Gold Coast City Council
We undertook a major process study of the Coomera River Estuary. Assessments included hydrographic and hydraulic assessment, riparian vegetation assessment, tidal dynamics and tidal exchange, geomorphic stability, geotechnical, acid sulfate soil assessment. We calculated annual sediment transport rates through the estuary from bathymetry surveys and identified erosion and deposition zones from detailed two dimensional hydraulic analysis of flood events. We undertook a geotechnical and morhostratigraphic assessment of foreshore sediments and located acid sulfate soils with respect to the geomorphic evolution of the estuary. We mapped riparian and intertidal vegetation for the whole estuary. We prepared a foreshore management plan for the estuary. We assessed foreshore stability and examined the potential for foreshore erosion. We prepared detailed foreshore restoration designs for five council managed parklands.
Lower Mudgeeraba Creek Catchment Study (2010)
Using 2D dimension hydraulic models, aerial photographs, digital terrain model’s (DTM’s), and ground verified data we assessed the flood impacts of road embankments and bridges on local flood levels. We also mapped geomorphic features and assessed the geomorphic stability of creeks in the lower Mudgeeraba Creek catchment with respect to 2D velocity assessments. We evaluated the impacts of Sea Level Rise. Recommended creek restoration strategies and concepts, as well as preparing a river management plan.
Nerang River Foreshore Restoration and Stabilisation Designs (2009)
Gold Coast City Council
Prepared detailed engineering designs for restoration of 1km foreshore frontage along the Nerang River. Included detailed vegetation surveys and threatened species assessment, geomorphic and hydrographic and hydraulic assessment, concept designs, detailed design, construction quantities & cost, and a vegetation management plan. Prepared an estuary management and restoration plan. Assessments included hydrographic assessment of stream gauging data and used statistical analysis to determine significant flood events that caused significant channel change.
Mine Tailing Effluent & Stormwater Treatment in a Constructed Wetland, Beconsfield Gold Mine, Tasmania (2008)
Elgin Associates
We worked with Elgin associates to evaluate the performance of a constructed wetland to treat tertiary treated mine tailings effluent and stormwater for the Beaconsfield Gold Mine. We conceptualised the operational network of the constructed wetland system and calculated a water balance runoff model for stormwater and mine tailings effluent.
Tallbudgera Creek Catchment & Estuary Processes Study (2007 – 2008)
Gold Coast City Council
We undertook a major process study of the Tallebudgera Creek Catchment & Estuary. Assessments included hydrographic and hydraulic assessment, riparian vegetation assessment, tidal dynamics and tidal exchange, geomorphic stability, geotechnical, acid sulphate soil assessment. We calculated annual sediment transport rates through the estuary from bathymetry surveys and identified erosion and deposition zones from detailed two dimensional hydraulic analysis of flood events. We undertook a geotechnical and morhostratigraphic assessment of foreshore sediments and located acid sulfate soils with respect to the geomorphic evolution of the estuary. We mapped riparian and intertidal vegetation for the whole estuary. We prepared a foreshore management plan for the estuary. We assessed foreshore stability and examined the potential for foreshore erosion. We prepared detailed foreshore restoration designs for five council managed parklands.
Oxley River Stream Bank Restorations Designs (2005 -2006)
Tweed Shire Council
Prepared detailed design drawings for stream bank restoration works for the Oxley River, Tweed River Catchment, NSW.
Remote Sensing Riparian & Wetland Vegetation, and Environmental Flows (Wetted Area) in the Bega River Catchment & Estuary (2005)
Department of Natural Resources (NSW)
We used airborne multi-spectral imagery to map the floristic structure & composition of riparian vegetation and wetland vegetation across 1500 km catchment area. The methodology was adopted by the then department of Natural Resources and now Office of Water.

Gold Coast Watercourse, and Wetland Mapping Project (2012 – 2014) [SWEMP 1]
Gold Coast City Council
Developed a watercourse and flood risk modelling tool that was used to map the location and area (polygon) of a watercourse and flood prone area to +/- 5m for any river catchment in the world. The tool has also been used to identify fluvial geomorphic units on the floodplain including; multiple channels, anabranches, oxbows, intertidal areas, floodplain wetlands, chute channel, etc. The watercourse modelling tool has been used to model the location of watercourses, and wetlands for the City of Gold Coast, covering an area of approximately 1200 km2 This assessment can also be used to determine risk of flooding and also determine appropriate setbacks for development.
Tallebudgera Creek Restoration (2013)
Gold Coast City Council
Designed and constructed creek restoration works which included riparian vegetation and bank restoration works for Council managed creek. Assessments included: engineering design, hydrographic and hydraulic assessment, sediment transport; riparian vegetation restoration and rock works and threatened species assessment.
Coomera River Geomorphic & Engineering Assessment (2012 – 2014)
Gold Coast City Council
We undertook a detailed floristic, geomorphic, hydraulic and ecological assessment of the Lower Coomera River. Assessments included hydrographic assessment of stream gauging data and used statistical analysis to determine significant flood events that caused significant channel change and flow duration curves were used to determine low flow characteristics used to determine required environmental flows. Geomorphic stability and geotechnical assessments were undertaken in association with two dimensional hydraulic modelling to determine erosion hot spots, likely breaches to the bund wall and predict channel changes in the river. Mapped riparian and estuary vegetation for the whole estuary. Prepared a river management and restoration plan, including detailed design for bed and bank stabilisation, and bundwall stabilisation. Designed a high flow bypass between the river and the excavated quarries so as to avoid bund wall breaches in the future and repair an existing bund wall breach.
Stream Restoration Designs & Project Management Currumbin Creek (2010)
Gold Coast City Council
Prepared detailed restoration and engineering designs for the restoration of Currumbin Creek. Included concept designs, vegetation management plans, flora and fauna assessments, detailed engineering designs, construction quantities and cost. Assessments included hydrographic and hydraulic assessment of stream gauging data to determine flow duration curves and stream power which were used in the design process.
Piggabeen Creek Estuary Foreshore Restoration Designs (2009)
Tweed Shire Council
Prepared detailed engineering designs for restoration of 1km foreshore frontage along the Piggabeen Creek Estuary. Included detailed vegetation surveys and threatened species assessment, geomorphic and hydrographic and hydraulic assessment, concept designs, detailed design, construction quantities & cost, and a vegetation management plan. Prepared an estuary management and restoration plan. Assessments included hydrographic assessment of stream gauging data and used statistical analysis to determine significant flood events that caused significant channel change and flow duration curves were used to determine low flow characteristics used to determine required environmental flows.
Lower Freshwater Reaches of Currumbin Creek Construction of In-stream rehabilitation works (2008 -2009)
Gold Coast City Council
Implemented and supervised all in-stream rehabilitation and vegetation restoration works. Modified and updated detailed stream restoration design drawings. Prepared new detailed design drawings for the High Flow Bypass. Prepared as constructed design drawings. Ensured that all Queensland Government permits were implemented correctly. Planned and supervised riparian vegetation works. Undertook a threatened species assessment before works commenced and while works were being undertaken. Responsible for occupational health and safely on site.
Kelso Creek Restoration Plan (2007)
Australian Wetlands
Prepared detailed design drawings for stream bank restoration works on foreshore areas in Kelso Creek, Georges River Catchment, NSW
Geomorphic Assessment of Ponds & Subiaco Creek, (2007)
Parramatta City Council
Mapped the extent of the riparian landscape zone using specialised spatial analysis techniques applied to a 0.5m (DTM) of the catchment. Completed detailed geomorphic assessments of the catchment: including River Style and Level II type stream geomorphic classifications; quantifiable geomorphic stability assessments. Developed stream restoration targets.
Rapid Geomorphic Assessment of Duroby, Bilambil, Cobaki, Piggabeen Creeks (2006)
Australian Wetlands
Completed a geomorphic assessment of the above listed creek catchments. The project specified stream target conditions, riparian buffer widths for stream bed and bank stability. Developed stream restoration concept plans.
Bega River Catchment Management Plan (2002 – 2005)
Department of Land & Water Conservation
We undertook floristic, geomorphic aquatic, ecology, and hydraulic assessments to determine areas that required management intervention. We specified management actions and determined a priority matrix to allocate resources.
Bega & Brogo River Water Sharing Plan (2002 – 2005)
Department of Land & Water Conservation
We undertook floristic, geomorphic aquatic, ecology, and hydraulic assessments that were used to determine environmental flow conditions for the Bega & Brogo River Water Sharing Plan.