We will update this page with new links to research papers relevant to fluvial and coastal geomorphology, climate, sea level rises, hydrology and engineering. We want to share what we believe is significant research in our field with our clients and the community. If you have a research paper and want to add it to the research forum please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
Fluvial geomorphology and flood-risk management (2/2009) Geomorphologie
Geomorphology & River Management
Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology
Coastal Hazard Assessments (Environment NSW)
Sea Rises in the late Holocene (East Coast) 1
A review of sea level in the late Holocene (East Coast) 2
Late Quaternary marine deposition in new south wales and southern queensland: an evolutionary model. int. geol. soc. of aust., 28, 471-489. Roy, P.S. and Thom, B.B. (1981)
Geological Development of North Stradbroke Island and Surrounds. Kelley & J. Baker In: Focus On Stradbroke. (1984)
Sand Blows – indicators of past climate changes. R.A. James In: Focus On Stradbroke. (1984)
A review of Holocene sea level data, South Eastern Queensland In: Focus On Stradbroke. (1984)
Evidence of Tsunami Sedimentation on the Southeastern Coast of Australia (1992)