Catchment Hydrological Assessments:
- Water resource system management
- Rainfall runoff models (rational method)
- Hydrological water modelling programs (e.g. Source, RRL, E flow Predictor, Eco modeller, RAP, MUSIC)
- Hydrographic analysis of stream flow gauging data to calibrate rainfall runoff models and determine the frequency, behaviour, and magnitude of flood events
- Catchment yield estimation for determining daily averaged flows for small unregulated catchments
- Environmental flow analysis
Hydrodynamic Assessments:
- One dimensional channel and floodplain modelling (e.g. Hec Ras, Mike 11)
- Two dimensional channel and floodplain modelling (e.g., Mike 11, Mike 21 & Flood, Tuflow)
- Tidal exchange and velocity modelling
- Overland flow path modelling and assessment
- Flood management support (waterRIDE TM FLOOD)
- Modelling the interaction of catchment flooding an oceanic inundation
- Estuarine and tidal hydrodynamics
- Near shore coastal mixing
- Floodplain mapping (e.g. anabranches, oxbows, chute channels)
- Flood modelling
- Bed & bank erosion assessments
- Flood risk assessment
- Sediment transport modelling

Flood velocity related to geomorphic stability.
A flood hydrograph for two different flood events in the Nerang River in 1974. The first event shows a higher peak discharge but with a significantly shorter duration than the 2nd event on the 25th, 26th and 27th.
Daily averaged flow for the Nerang River from 1968 to 2013 (ML/day). The period from 1968 to 1977 shows the largest floods with highest recurrence intervals. The Hinze Dam constructed in 1976 has significantly changed the flood regime and there have been significant flood events past the Dam since it was constructed.
A two dimensional flood velocity map (1:100 ARI) was used to determine the sediment transport in the Coomera River Estuary.
Hydraulic modelling was used to determine minimum design rock sizes and minimum flow required over this artificial rock riffle constructed by Riparian Engineering in 2008 (Currumbin Creek).
Watercourse modelling. The dark blue areas show location of channels, anabranches, flood chutes, and the light blue areas show the extent of the floodplain.
Channel and floodplain velocities are related to geomorphic stability. This spatial correlation shows that channel velocities and erosion are more likely to occur in smaller flood events at bank full discharge, than larger flood events. Mudgeerabah Creek.
Alpine reaches of the Murray River (Watson George Creek, Snowy Mountains, NSW) provide good base flow to the Murray River during the spring melt.